I left the studio briefly to go to an event that was being held for a new friend of mine. Ashley V. Reid. Ashley is doing her thing on the Atlanta scene. The pictures of me that you see plastered all over the net, she did them. (YAY!!!)
You should definitely check out her website to see her work. She has an eye like no one that I've met as of late and I was pleasantly surprised when she asked me to be one of the people for her site.
Her site is www.ashleyreidphoto.com
She was celebrating her article in the source, which I must say, if you haven't seen it, you should definitely look at your latest copy of the source and read about what's really going on. They talk in depth about what she is doing and where she is going and I'm sure that she isn't going anywhere soon, so ya'll better get ready because the bar has just been raised; several degree's.I'm glad to have been apart of her project and I'm even more honored to know her as a person.
Stay Tuned - It's All Relative-
A. Jones