Where have I been? What have I seen? What's new? I abandoned this blog in 2006 it's 2010 and I'm baaaaaacccckkkk!! I don't know if anyone was even reading it but I do know that It's been a lonnnnggg time coming. So what am I into these days?
First thangs first, I no longer reside in NYC :( ... but I'm sure to be back up that way in a minute.
I'm currently in ATL"shawty" thats right the Black Hollywood. How do I like it so far? Well I mean its a place, like any other place. It has its perks and its not so perks. LOL
What am I doing? I'm working on a few things, music is definitely included in these things, grinding? "STAY ON MY GRIZZY CAN'T STOP ME, I BE BY MYSELF CAUSE NOBODY ELSE CAN TOP ME"
You know the mental grind is the grind that surpasses any other, its the mind that limits you to yourself, without seeing the possibilities, you're stuck in an endless chain of events that might not always deem in accordance to what you want to happen. I've been a few places, seen a couple of things, I've loved and have been loved. I've been hated on but love all the same.
This chic, my big sister.. (I refuse to say a name for I'd hate her to think I'm tryna use her to get on) I look up to says it best, It's either HOTEP or Hoe Step, I love the saying so much I've put it on my Facebook page, so if anyone ever really wants to know how I feel, thats where I'm at right now.
Hotep; for those that might not have a clue as to what it means, its a khemetic word that basically means PEACE. Khemet is the original name for Egypt it means the black land. I am Alkhemi or The Black One... see where this is leading now? It's all Relevant.
I'll be visiting this blog more often as I am progressively moving forward and would love to divulge stuff that might not otherwise be put out there, if I don't say it.
So sit back, pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee or some tea, breathe deep and explore my thoughts "but buy my record first" HAHA
Ciao for Now
Al Khemi